Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We Are That Generation that Had The Dream

I do not fear our future, I hate our past. Only a foll keeps doing the same things and expect a different outcome
I am a retired IT professional, we fixed things logically. Logically if we do A then we will get result B, and if we
do nothing, we will get the same results or worse we will have a crisis. Does this sound familiar...end of Bush administration
in America and a $700 billion money drop before we dropped into the black hole. HOLD UP..we are stabilizing OK!!!!!

I do not care what privileged American accomplish, if they do not do well in America they should have to face the founding
fathers of this nation. You see when you have an uneven playing field you run downhill all the time and should accomplish much.
I am more excited to see a President in the United States of any nationality other than the norm, man or woman who has made
great accomplishments and should be recognized for them. What is going on in DC is unacceptable. I may not agree with everything
our president says but I believe in America and feel it is time that we stop this bullshit and get back in gear before China leaves us so far
behind that they will be negotiating with North Korea over who controls the free worlds.

I say this is a bunch of bullshit, healthcare is already controlled by the government and always will be, I felt that this issue
should have been crammed thru like a pile driver thru soft cheese months ago before we lost the Public Option..
Now we got a watered down bill that really has baby teeth, I do not appreciate what the conservatives have done to this
country in the last 20 years and will not drop it at this administrations feet nor all at G W Bushes feet even-though he was at
the stern when the ship ran aground. This group of conservatives must go, we got to get the country moving and being broke
is not the way to get the wheels turning, so we spend ourselves out of a recession before it becomes a depression and then
take the money recovered from business generated to continue to power the machine while paying our debts, sounds like our
household to me.

We as that new generation will be judged by this blunder for years to comer as we reduced the shine of America from
sea to shining sea. We have rightfully allow those like Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly and Beck to spew their hatred, lies and poison
across this great country, which is their right by the constitution, but to but into such bullshit is beyond me. I though civilized
people thought for themselves and did their own research but now we have a herd being led to the slaughter by a group of fools that
cannot even believe the lies they tell. Hate mongers and naysayers will always be on this earth and they will always want that 1950s
America that 99% of the rest of us are glad will never come back.

Any fool in America knows everything from the research to the pill, the pill bottle, and it's inscriptions on that bottle is controlled
from Washington. Do you recall when George Bush said that stem cell research was wrong and now we are 8 years farther behind
the research of curing diseases, and growing limbs and spinal cord research. Folks wake up from this nightmare and stop letting the
Conservative say the public does not want healthcare, WHAT DAMN PUBLIC, have they become the public and speaks for the rest of us.
Even some on medicare are against healthcare reform and they do not even know what the hell it is about.

Half the new projects in America are powered by stimulus money, I have not seen any teachers raising hell because it saved their jobs.
I have not hear anyone that refused the money they got back as stimulus at federal tax time or the FICA reduction on their paychecks.
I think it is time to research alternative energy, I had solar panels back in the late 70's installed on my home, it made a big difference.
In the late 1990's I got ready to retire and remodeled, unfortunately that was one thing I let go.

Too many of us are buying into the hype and not doing any research, or is it selected amnesia, my Mom told me
to always try to come up on the side of right and that is where I will strive to be and I think we are headed in a better
direction than we were a year ago.

Do not stop sending your opinions and I will not stop voicing mine, I know not many will voice their opinions on these issues
they will forward them as they are as if they believe them whole heartily or delete them. It is interesting to see how we as a generation
think of life in America today. I am on Facebook under the same name.
Much love from the other side of the issue.

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